HOLIDAY LAWN DECORATION: Each item Hand Painted, and signed by the artist.

Holiday Lawn Decoration
Become a collecter. Special items for each major Holiday. Constructed from exteriorwood,exterior paint,special top coat to protect against weather.

HBG201-R - Boo-Ghost -- 32" tall --- $ 29.95

HBG202-S - Boo Ghost -- 12" tall --- $ 14.95

HWP101-S - Wood Pumpkins -- 12"x14" --- $ 12.95

HWP102-M - Wood Pumpkins -- 18"x19" --- $ 16.95

HWP103-L - Wood Pumpkins -- 19"x21" --- $ 19.95

HWB402-M - Witch on Broom --33"x29" --- $ 59.95

HWP405-L - Witch on Pumpkin--54"x40"-with Pot 23x22" $159.95

FSC101-S - Scare Crow -----32"tall -- $69.95

FSC102-L - Scare Crow -----65"tall -- $119.95

TP101-L - Pilgrams set of 2 -- Man -65"xs8" Woman-55"x32" -- $ 159.95

TP102-M - Pilgrams set 2 -- Man-36" Woman-31" -- $ 129.95

TI302-L - Indian set 2 ---Boy- 67" Girl- 55" -- $ 159.95

TI303-M - Indian set 2 -- boy- 42" Girl - 35" -- $ 129.95

CSP101-L- Snow People -- 56"x46" -- $ 119.95

CSP102-M- Snow People -- 34"x24" -- $ 79.95

CC303 -LS Carolers - set of 3 boy -61" Girl -60" Girl -58"-$ 300.00

CS501 LS - Toy-Soldiers set of 2 holding drum holding rifle -$159.95

CS201-L - Santa 61"tall -- $ 139.95

CS202-M - Santa 31"tall -- $ 79.95

Request catalog -- Send name and address by Email-

Wholesale inquirys welcome.

VOLUME DISCOUNTS for wholesale customers

CSP102-M- Snow People -- 34"x24" -- $ 79.95